October 15th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, Are you ready for Halloween? It's just two weeks away! A serious alert: we haven't yet hit our minimum sales to keep Persephone on the calendar. If you're planning to go, please reserve your tickets this week! We adore this event, and we'd hate to have to cancel. Looking ahead beyond that: we have to remain alcohol-free for the foreseeable future...which means play parties will be back! N ...Continue Reading
October 8th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, Spooktober is a great time to start or upgrade your membership with us: we have *six* membership-required events this month, including our annual dungeon blowout Persephone. Persephone alone is $50, btw, which makes our $55 top tier an incredible value: it gets you into ALL October HoS events with no additional fees. Not up for a huge monthly commitment? Basic membership is just $5! All me ...Continue Reading
October 1st 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, We crash into spooky season with a bang, with EIGHT October events (seven for HoS proper, and of course the big G&S Halloween). It's a great time to start or upgrade your membership, with the $55 top tier being an incredible value that gets you into ALL HoS events this month. Persephone alone is $50! We're also running earlybird sales on both G&S and HoS Halloween parties; see below. As w ...Continue Reading
September 24th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, We're sending out an SOS about our current financial situation. We are STILL waiting on liquor license news, and meanwhile this summer was probably the worst on record for event attendance. We also lost a lot more members than usual -- more than we gained in our member drive. In all, we lost about 30% of income over the summer, when even at previous levels we were barely covering bills. An ...Continue Reading
September 17th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, Our pop-up sale was super fun, but we didn't raise nearly enough cash or move nearly enough things out of our possession. Help us by shopping our sale racks at all our events OR by setting up your own browsing appt. We're also gradually listing the non-clothes randomness (lights, furniture, props, curtains, etc) here: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/profile/510998538 -- and you can se ...Continue Reading
September 10th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, Some really cool stuff coming in the next week! Wax play, makeout party, huge loft sale, and and EPIC movie night! Also, if you're on our "approved" list...check your inboxes for a bonus invite for next Fri. Are you not approved? Instructions: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/attend.html A tip before Sunday's sale: if you want to take a spin through our clothing racks for new finds ...Continue Reading
September 4th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, Fall is here! Welcome back from all your wanderings, festivals, travels and adventures. We are excited to kick things off what we hope to be our best season ever. ICYMI in previous emails: we're in the last stretch (we hope) before getting our new liquor license. This one comes with a full kitchen offering, which means two things: 1) there's a new on-site immersive private dining experien ...Continue Reading
August 21st 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, We have almost made it through the sticky summer! This always feels like the longest stretch before life comes back in September, but we are nearly there. The other long wait that we're working on: the new liquor license. This one comes with a full kitchen offering, which means we have massive expenses still coming up, in the slowest stretch of the year. This is what we've been gearing up ...Continue Reading
August 13th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, We are in that stretch of summer where every nightlife venue wonders how they'll make it for the next few weeks. It's dead out there, but we are still here for you in our magic clubhouse. We're making a few of our events FREE this month to encourage you to pop by. As always, full details on upcoming events are below these summaries, including all rules & requirements for attendance. G ...Continue Reading
August 6th 2024 PST
[Don't mark us spam! Mail list information, including unsubscribe instructions, is at the end of this email.] Hello lovelies, The heat is stifling, but we're here to help. Going to make a few of our events FREE/by donation & open to non-members this month, so you can come bask in our AC. Please understand how hard this month is on nightlife and your favorite venues, and please come support them so they can be here for you into fall and beyond. As always, full details on upcoming events are below these summar ...Continue Reading
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