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Hello lovelies,
2025 is about to descend, and we hope you choose to ring it in with your HoS family. This is the year we'll all need more connection and community.
We're still updating the website for 2025, but here's what's coming up in January. Tickets are already available in the membership system.
- Tonight! Tues 12.31 - Friends & Family NYE ($20 + whatever you want to donate) - a big expensive blowout just doesn't feel right this year. Instead, we offer you a cozy safe space and probably the most affordable way to spend the night you can find anywhere in town.
- This Thu 1.2 - Taste The Rainbow: community social ($0-10, open to non-members) - yes, in just two days. You know you're going to make those resolutions to be more yourself, more social, meet new people, explore your desires (whether solo or as part of a relationship). This is the perfect place to start.
- Fri 1.10 - Lip Service: pansexual makeout party ($0-25, members only) - we hope this one aligns with your resolutions as well: a fun safe space to explore and expand your gender and orientation boundaries. Be bold. Step into our world.
- Wed 1.15 - Sinema Club: Arabian Nights ($0-10, members only) - an outstanding thinking and sensual film, and one very purposefully chosen to air just before the inauguration. Extremely rare to see this one on the big screen.
- Fri 1.24 - Dark DecaDance with live band ($0-20, open to non-members) - DDD has been amazing lately, and we're going to try something new and fun to expand it further: a live band! More info TK soon, bur earlybird tix are now live until Fri Jan 10 (that's another $5 off the already lower advance price).
- Sat 1.25 - Countdown returns! - It's back, and we can't wait...our signature pansexual play party. This is the one you need approval for, so please read that page of the site. If you already have approval, those tickets are magically available in the system when you log in.
Please reserve tickets in advance! It helps us plan staff and supplies. Friend with Benefits level+ members can even retain credit for any unused tickets and roll them over to another event. If you want to upgrade levels: https://bit.ly/4bsZAKQ
Miss Scorpio
One-time donations: https://www.paypal.me/geminiandscorpio or https://www.venmo.com/gemini-scorpio
Monthly donations & HoS event access: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html
HoS FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/259688232814
Miss S on Fetlife: http://fetlife.com/users/680639
G&S regular events & list: http://www.geminiandscorpio.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/houseof_scorpio | http://instagram.com/gemini_scorpio
Bluesky: @gemini-scorpio | Twitter: @gemini_scorpio
We love you, but please don't list HoS events without checking with us. ~ xo, Miss S
Gemini & Scorpio / House of Scorpio
invite you to
Friends & Family NYE
Tues 12.31, 9pm-2am, $20 + whatever you want to donate
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)
G&S: http://www.geminiandscorpio.com/events.html
HoS: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1682191849314064
Tix: https://buytickets.at/geminiandscorpio/1510026 (while they last)
Opening our doors to our community for a semi-private, old-school loft hang. Think of it as partying in your cool friend's 5k sq ft living room. You can dance under the spinning lights, lounge on the cozy couches or socialize in the jungle-themed bar. As always, we'll have an extensive non-alcoholic drink menu.
One thing we ask: please still wear your sparkly best, from clubwear to formalwear, so we can all feel fancy and get great photos (no casual attire admitted, as always). This really helps keep ours a safe space, and we appreciate you putting in the effort.
We ask for a base rate of just $20 to cover core expenses. However: we've been teetering on the verge of extinction all year, so any further donation you can add would help us keep the magic going into 2025 and beyond.
House of Scorpio
Taste The Rainbow: sex-positive kinky poly LGBTQ+ mixer
Thur Jan 2, 7pm-12am, 21+ (25+ suggested)
For existing & prospective HoS members; members: $0 / non-members: $10
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)
Official info & house rules: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
Memberships & tix: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html (log in for member tix)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1692845331282659
FL: https://fetlife.com/events/1663463
PL: https://plra.io/m/taste-the-rainbow-sex-positive-kinky-poly-lgbtq-292
Socials: @houseof_scorpio [producer] @gemini_scorpio [venue] #houseofscorpio
We get asked all the time how people can join HoS if they are shy, don't have like-minded friends, lack PALs for play parties, have no idea how this whole thing works, don't feel like jumping into sexy activity but want to connect to open-minded humans, etc. This party is the answer!
Calling all LGBTQIA+, poly, kink, swinger and other "alternative" dating/sex/gender-aligned humans and their allies. We're creating a protected and judgment-free space for connections, conversations, community, games and interactivity. This is the key HoS event open to non-members. Come meet us before you join!
For those of you new to it all: direct introductions to HoS members new and old; facilitated discussions on poly, kink and swinger lifestyles; icebreaker games to welcome you to our club.
For our regulars: a way to ease new friends into our scene; a chance to meet all the new faces you may want to kiss later; a visit with the community even if your PAL is not around.
For everyone: tabletop and social games, both risqué and plain fun; a charming host to make the introductions and explain all things HoS and sex-positive, and a cozy setting for conversations and future kisses. Our main icebreaker game, HoS Guest Bingo, runs from 7:30pm until we have a winner: get to know everyone in the room, and win a drink if you complete your bingo card.
Miss Scorpio is back hosting the mixer! Come ask her directly anything you want to know about this community. We've been building it for you for 10+ years, and hope to be here for 10+ more.
HoS rules: HoS membership, PAL and dress code not required; no prior approval required; Code of Conduct always applies; no photos except in the designated front area.
COVID safety: HoS requires proof of vaccination on file; masks encouraged; windows will be partially open for ventilation; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.
*Taste The Rainbow happens every first Thursday of the month except when a month starts on Friday (otherwise it would end up the night before Lip Service).
House of Scorpio
Lip Service: pansexual makeout party
Fri Jan 10*, 9pm-2am, 21+ (25+ suggested), HoS members only**
$0-25 depending on membership level
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)
Official info & house rules: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
Memberships & tix: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html (log in to buy)
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1226254288473470
FL: https://fetlife.com/events/1663469
PL: https://plra.io/m/lip-service-pansexual-kissing-and-cocktails-party-324
Socials: @gemini_scorpio #houseofscorpio
Bring your luscious lips (yours and your PAL's), and join us for lubricating libations and naughty games with sexy friends and intriguing strangers. Bring toys & games to share (blindfolds? rope? sexy dice?).
Feeling shy or wanting to meet new folks? Come early! Meet our founder, Miss Scorpio. Between 9-10:30pm, Miss S is there to introduce new members to old timers, explain how the whole HoS thing works, and generally make a delightful fuss over your presence.
Think of our makeout parties as R-rated community mixers--a place to get to know your fellow kinksters, introduce a partner to a more playful lifestyle, and maybe even find a future PAL--before attending the more naughty play parties. It's also a way for us to vet you in person for those parties; talk to us at the event.
Dress to be kissed: sexy and fun. Fetish attire, formalwear, lingerie, corsets, tutus and costumes always welcome...and we consider those unisex options (the more colorful and outrageous, the better). No casual or business; door person WILL turn you away -- see Code of Conduct page on our site for more details on the dress code.
*Lip Service happens on the second Friday of every month
**HoS rules: HoS membership, PAL & Dress Code required; no prior approval required; Code of Conduct always applies; no photos except in the designated front area.
COVID safety: HoS requires proof of vaccination on file; masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.
WED 1.15: FILM
House of Scorpio
Sinema Club: Arabian Nights (1974)
Wed Jan 15*, 7-11:30pm, 21+ (25+ suggested)
Main space: movie night, $0-$10 dep on membership level
Bar & lounge: HoS Clubhouse, $FREE***
Gemini & Scorpio Loft, 267 Douglass St, 3rd fl (ADA accessible)
Official info & house rules: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/events.html
Memberships & tix: http://www.houseofscorpio.com/membership.html (log in to buy)
Socials: @houseof_scorpio [producer] @gemini_scorpio [venue] #houseofscorpio
The body's largest sex organ is the brain. Sinema Club stimulates yours with films that are explicitly erotic, homo-romantic, or gender-exploring -- and always thought-provoking. A rousing discussion follows; drinking is encouraged throughout, and mingling happens before, during and after: the bar lounge remains open for socializing, while the film plays in the main space. Plus: free popcorn from our vintage cart. Order in from the many restaurants around, and make it dinner and a movie.
This month: Arabian Nights (1974)
Already internationally distinguished as a poet, novelist, and outspoken social critic by the time he turned to filmmaking around 1960, Pier Paolo Pasolini juxtaposed socio-political polemics with a graphic and critical examination of taboo sexual matters in the prolific 15-year span that ended abruptly with his unsolved abduction & murder in 1975. ARABIAN NIGHTS (1974) is the final part of his Trilogy of Life series, following THE DECAMERON (1971) and THE CANTERBURY TALES (1972). The locations - Yemen, Ethiopia, Iran and Nepal - form a luscious backdrop to tales of slaves, kings, potions, betrayals, demons and, most of all, love and lovemaking. Engrossing, mysterious, profound and liberating, this is an exquisitely dreamlike, sensuous and adult interpretation of the original folk tales -- but also a surprisingly modern and egalitarian one, reiterating in its various threads that noone’s body is anyone else’s property, and that is represents a secular sacredness in conflict with venal hypocrisy of the religious state and man-made social controls: a natural sexual innocence essential to the true nature of free humanity. The film was nominated for the Palme d'Or and won Grand Prize of the Jury at the 1974 Cannes Film Festival.
The films in the trilogy were Pasolini's greatest commercial achievements, ironically spawning mindless sensualist copies that amounted to a commoditization of the body he had tried to deny in the first place. We will watch some scenes from one of these knock-offs, UBALDA ALL NAKED AND WARM (1972), allowing his philosphy and aesthetics to stand out all the more clearly.
Sinema Club is curated and hosted by Phil Guie-Ng (@thatphilguymovies): an inquisitive, ardent longtime film critic who is dying to tell you about movies you haven't heard of yet. As a reviewer at the website Film-Forward, his self-appointed mission was covering documentaries and features about subjects who challenged conventional attitudes about gender, masculinity, and more. When Phil isn't writing about movies, you can find him in Brooklyn taking part in protests on behalf of basic human rights.
*Sinema Club happens on the third Wednesday of every month
***Plus: House of Scorpio Clubhouse. Whatever your membership level, you are invited to use our space as your own for the night...as your clubhouse. While the ticketed activities will take place on the stage side of the room, the bar and lounge will remain open 7pm-11pm (12am if enough people are lounging). Just like with regular events, if you're Friend level and above, you can bring up to two friends with you. Order in dinner, have a few drinks, run a friendly board game, or just read a book on the comfy couch. This is not a mixer -- just us opening our doors for our members. It's up to you how much you socialize, if at all, and with whom.
COVID safety: HoS requires proof of vaccination on file; masks encouraged; two hospital grade UV air purifiers will cycle the air.
Do you have something to share with us? We're always open to suggestions & feedback:
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House of Scorpio event mailing list.
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